Owen Murray
Elena Wong, an admissions department representative from Drew University, gives senior Kyle Jasper feedback on his CommonApp essay. Ten university representatives helped seniors begin their college application process during last week’s workshop.
Seniors attended a workshop Aug. 15 and 16 that gave them a head start on the college application process.
“The college essay workshop allowed time for me to work on my Common Application, various essays and get back into the school day routine,” senior Cole Slater said.
Although the workshop focused largely on the Common Application and its main essay, students also learned about supplemental essays — additional pieces of writing that may be mandatory when applying to certain schools.
“I had already put a lot of work into my Common Application essay, so I did have some extra time during the workshop,” Slater said, “but I did learn about supplements, and that was very
Because students were at different places in their essay and application progress, everyone met with a college admissions professional one-on-one.
“I was able to speak to the lady I met with about the application process as a whole, and she gave me some really great advice on how to approach the process,” senior Antonio Woo said. “Being with someone who knows the process extremely well allowed me to learn information that’s difficult to access otherwise.”
Many of the admissions professionals were from out of town, and all had experience reading applications for colleges.
“It was as if she was reading it as part of my application,” Woo said. “She’s read countless essays in her career, so I appreciated her advice greatly.”