With the first semester behind us and the second semester just beginning, students have a window to reflect on their progress academically. The past few months have been a lot for the students at Stuart Hall, especially the junior class, with one their first whole semester’s worth of IB just being concluded. Here’s what some of the Juniors have to say about their experience so far:
Andrew Kim says, “Our teachers did a very good job the transition from Sophomore year to Junior year in terms of workload. Personally I think I have some of the best teachers. I think my teachers from sophomore year were also able to prepare me very well for this year.” Andrew’s words praise the importance of dedicated faculty who have been by students’ side the whole time this semester to help students navigate through academic obstacles. But not all students have had a mellow time as Andrew Kim.
Moritz Kobinger says this about the first semester, “It’s been good, it’s gotten a little more stressful. I felt like I’ve made good progress in understanding the type of learner I am. I have also learned to navigate how to use my time better when it comes to work.” Mortiz highlights the importance of being open to change and learning to adapt to more rigorous coursework.
Pierce Quigley shares his opinion and a standout class to him this semester, “Overall Semester one was great. Leading the Mind, Body and Spirit through Sport with Dr. Kuwahara was a very fun class.” Pierce’s reflection on the great experience of this unique class shows how engaging learning styles can be very memorable and leave students with a lasting impression.
A common theme for a lot of the reflections of the Juniors has been getting better acquainted with IB and the transition between Sophomore and Junior year. Izzy Beyene says this about the transition, “I think I’m getting more used to IB and starting new classes are cool. Losing an extra free period for the second semester is going to be a challenge but I think I am prepared for the extra workload.”
The end of the first semester is a perfect time for students to look back and reflect on how they are doing. This allows students to make changes accordingly if they are struggling or just celebrate successes with what has been going right. With a little more than half of the school year now complete, students are hopefully getting into a rhythm academically that they can keep up with.