During an early third period on May 14, the mural team (Mrs. Hellstrom, Anthony Torrano, Alfred Gruber, Evan Muncheryan, Lucas Long, Jack Wells, Allan Shen, Angelo Paxinos, and Gavin Klein) peeled the final pieces of tape off the wall of the Dungeon after an exhausting three-week journey. Senior Anthony Torrano, who led the project, sprayed the final touches on the “Welcome to the Dungeon” mural. With a smile, he took a look at the work he planned extensively during the last few months.
The team began work late April after the administration approved the design. Concern arose about the mural’s potential to distract players, especially during free throws. Before anything was put on the wall, the team had to make a blueprint of the design to assure all measurements would be accurate. To begin work on the wall, a unique font was drawn with pencil on the wall. Later, the brick and mortar castle wall and the sky background were painted on. When the background was complete, Anthony spray-painted the letters, their borders, and finished them with a 3D effect. Lastly, touch-ups were made and two sparkles were added.
Senior Alfred Gruber, in addition to helping paint, was in charge of creating a time-lapse for the project. The film will be shown at the Stuart Hall Film Festival. The juniors from this year’s team will lead next year’s mural project, so keep your eyes peeled!
Photo Credit: Patter Hellstrom