Les Miserables far from Miserable

The French Revolution sung by Hall & Heart Students

Michael Hong

Les Miserables shocked all who attended the show, over the past weekend, as both the singing and acting earned the cast and crew the title of one of the best in the school’s history.

By Zack Hammer, Reporter

Convent & Stuart Hall’s musical production of Les Miserables was a huge success this past weekend. They performed Thursday and Friday nights and had a matinee show on Saturday to top it all off. The spring musical is always an emotional one, as it is the last performance for the seniors. It can be said without a doubt that the class of 2016 went out with a bang. Les Miserables is unique in the fact that the monologues throughout the entire production are sung. An entire production without dialogue is difficult to say the least, but the cast pulled it off beautifully. The two leads, Daniel Im ‘16 playing Jean Valjean and Duncan McDonell ‘16 as Javert brought the show to life. The pair both have incredible acting skills that made the show believable and engaging. The tragic Marius was played by Harry Egan ‘16, whose singing is unmatched and absolutely spectacular. And finally, the Master of the House, Thenardier, was played perfectly by our very own Lucius Johnson ‘16. He mastered the character beautifully, and his timing and comical delivery were impeccable as he easily became the show’s hidden gem. Convent’s seniors also performed spectacularly well, as Maya Greenhill ‘16 played Cosette and Cat Heinen played ‘16 Eponine. Both girls have showstopping voices that almost brings tears to the eyes. While they are amazing, the cast is much more than a few seniors. Although the theater program will certainly miss their talents, they will still have a cast full of stars. On top of a wonderful cast, the show featured a live orchestra that made for a unique and truly unforgettable show. Many people count this show as one of the best in recent memory, with each show completely selling out, attesting to its tremendous cast and talented crew. Stay tuned for news about a full-length recording of the show that was filmed and is currently being produced by the Stuart Hall Broadcasting club.

Update:  Full length recording can be found on YouTube here.  Video by GianCarlo Gratz ’17 and editing by Ryan Murray ’17.