Ben Ngu 19 helps Mark Kearney 19 with an essay about philosopher Rene Descartes in Mr. Emerson’s Ethics class. This ethics class has just finished a unit on Rene Descartes influence in philosophy.Angel Padilla 18 talks to Swami Vedananda from the Vedanta Society during last Fridays chapel. The special reconciliation service allowed students to talk to leaders of different spiritual groups from around San Francisco.Travis Evans 19 serves chips as part of Student Councils barbecue on Wednesday. This barbeque, along with a 2017 Congé Snapchat filter, led some students to think it was Congé.Spiritual L.I.F.E. director Sergio Vasquez watches flash paper burn up at Friday’s Reconciliation chapel. The chapel offered students and faculty a chance to talk and reflect with spiritual leaders from different communities.SIA members drop off the Easter baskets collected by advisories at St Francis Xavier Church last Friday. The Easter food basket drive takes place every April.